Authorized by KPJAYI

Ashtanga yoga translates from Sanskrit to ‘8 limbed yoga' and refers to Patanjali"s Yoga Sutra. These 8 limbs of Yoga are guidelines that are intended for yoga practitioners to follow in order to live a more disciplined and conscious life.
The practice known as Ashtanga Yoga was created by Sri K. Pattabhi Jois who developed the practice focusing on the 3rd limb of yoga, asana, or posture. He believed that through practicing the sequence of postures he developed, that the 7 remaining limbs of Yoga would be realized.
Ashtanga is a set sequence of postures synchronized with a specific breathing technique. This is referred to as vinyasa and serves to focus the attention on the breath and build heat in the body. This method is designed to stretch strengthen and purify ones body and mind over time.
We're excited to be hosting Tim Feldman again. Mark your calendars and plan for a fun weekend of yoga in the beautiful mountains of Flagstaff, Arizona
Mysore: Monday-Friday 6-8:30am
Led Primary Series: TBA
Both in person and online
2023 Moon Days
October 28th Full
November 13th New
November 27th Full
December 12th New
December 26th Full
Single drop-In with established mysore practice
Paying one month at a time
Auto renewing each month
Auto renewing each month
by donation
If you wish to discuss a special financial arrangement, please feel free to reach out using the contact button below
Flagstaff Ashtanga Yoga 4 W Phoenix, Arizona 86001, United States